What makes a serial killer a killer
What makes a serial killer a killer


The narcissist holds similar measures of rage, but with most narcissist instead of mortally harming the body, the narcissist seeks to harm the souls of those who often care for them the most.


Murder for the serial killer is often a response interconnected with the wrongs that perceive have been done to them over a lifetime. Murder many times is not punishment for a wrong that was done to them by a victim. Many serial killers have been observed to have an ability to sustain their rage for long periods of time, but at some point, there has to be a release. The kill almost seems to feed their hunger for an emotional release, allowing them to unleash repressed anger, hurt and rage. A serial killer may pocket a great deal of their emotion until it is time to make the kill. Serial killers, narcissists, and many sociopaths appear to have poise and the ability to pocket much of their rage until they are in the appropriate setting to unleash it.

what makes a serial killer a killer

Sociopaths and Narcissist Pocket Emotions

what makes a serial killer a killer

Both suffer greatly from vulnerabilities with self-esteem. One of the primary differences I feel between the way the narcissist and the serial killer when it comes to injury, is how they compartmentalize the feelings, and how they act them out. They react with disdain, rage, or defiant counterattack.” The average sociopath has also been injured emotionally. Although they may not show it outwardly, criticism may haunt these individuals and may leave them feeling humiliated, degraded, hollow and empty.

what makes a serial killer a killer


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders describes narcissistic injury to be: “… vulnerability in self-esteem which makes narcissistic people very sensitive to ‘injury’ from criticism or defeat. This rage is often identified to be a response to what is known as a narcissistic injury. When a narcissist is violated to the core, the narcissist may act out with rage. With both of these personality disorders, the individual may show patterns of being vengeful, controlling, obsessive and intimidating. These are also actions identified by sociopaths. It has been very commonplace for a client to tell me about how their narcissistic partner might place a gun on display as a subtle deterrent reminding their spouse or partner of the potential danger they may experience if they decide to leave. Narcissists many times hoard rage and when rubbed the wrong way can be very violent. I can’t tell you the number of clients that describe their narcissistic spouse to be controlling, physically abusive, sexually abusive, and very prone to “blackouts” when they are in rage. When I speak of danger I am speaking from a physical as well was emotional sense. It’s obvious that a serial killer is dangerous, but many times I feel that the companions who are in relationships or marriage with narcissists are not completely aware of how dangerous a narcissist can be. Narcissist And Serial Killers Can Both Be Dangerous

what makes a serial killer a killer

In this blog, I would like to share with you some of my observations and thoughts. I was so compelled by the parallels in their behaviors from my own studies and experience, that I decided to research this topic even deeper. Apparently this is old news for many researchers who study these personality disorders. Though I have never counseled a known serial killer, the study of this personality type strongly resembles that of what I often see in the narcissist. As I have studied personality disorders and had the opportunity to provide therapy to clients who have symptoms of personality disorders, I have noticed striking parallels in the behaviors of serial killers (also many times identified as sociopaths) and narcissists. Some of these behaviors include gaslighting, crazy-making, and love bombing all used as an effort to manipulate and create mind control over the relationship partner. They often describe to me some of the typical behaviors that are often observed in the relationship or marriage with their narcissistic partners. I have had tons of my clients come to me with concerns that they are either dating or married to a narcissist.

What makes a serial killer a killer